Vastu Shastra scientifically balances the five elements Earth, Air, Fire, water and Sky to bring peace, harmony and joy to the individual’s lives. Vastu Shastra believes that balancing these elements will positively impact one’s life. Vastu Shastra finds its origin in ancient Indian scriptures. As a result, many people are of the belief that it is influenced by religion. But, is it the case?
This blog aims to answer this question by discovering the connection between religion and Vastu Shastra. This blog will help you learn about the history of Vastu Shastra, misconceptions surrounding it, and much more.
Vastu Shastra is an ancient Vedic Principle for architecture and design developed by the sages and scholars. Vastu Shastra promotes balancing the five elements (Earth, water, fire, air and sky) to create a harmonious and peaceful life.
The fundamental of ancient vastu shastra is to create a balance between the architectural dimensions and cosmic energies. For example, north-facing houses are believed to bring financial well-being into the individual’s life. And, south-facing houses remove negative energy and bad luck from the individual houses.
The term ‘Vastu Shastra’ translates to ‘Knowledge of dwelling’, and originated more than 5000 years ago. One can find mentions of Vastu principles in Indian literature such as Vedas, Manu scriptures, Brihat Samhita and Matsya Purana. These scriptures provide several descriptions and theories to build a balanced and harmonious living space. But, beyond these scriptures, there are more historical roots in other cultures that prove the presence of Vastu principles.
Indus Valley Civilisation is one of the most influenced cultures by the Vastu, which flourished around 3000 to 1300 BCE. Archaeological evidence proves that the Hrappa and Mohenjo-Daro had the sophisticated architecture of Vastu in their building orientations and layouts.
Vastu Shastra has also been influenced by other anciеnt Civilisations such as Mеsopotamia, Egypt, and China. While they had their own architеctural and urban planning principles based on cosmological and rеligious bеliеfs, these architectural principles have some similarities with Vastu Shastra.
Over time, Vastu Shastra continued evolving, adapting to various cultures and religions such as Buddhism and Jainism which can be seen in their traditional architectural monuments. The evidence of vastu shastra in Islam is not as profound as it is in Hinduism. Still, there are significant traces found in various Islamic literatures where they prioritise position, orientation and layouts of certain religious spaces or rituals such as praying in qibla (direction of Kaaba in Mecca) and so on.
There is a common misconception among people that Vastu is a ritual or concept of Hindus. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Vastu Shastra is a scientific principle that is not exclusive to any religion. Any person from any religion can apply Vastu Shastra’s principles to their home.
Many people also believe that Vastu Shastra utilises Hindu religious principles to set its rules and guidelines. But the truth is, that Vastu Shastra considers various natural and geographical phenomena, such as topography, the earth’s magnetic field, the sun and the moon, and the weather.
The influence of Vastu can be seen in several religious and cultural monuments. Now, let’s delve into the influence of religions on Vastu Shastra:
The principles of Vastu Shastra draw heavily from the philosophy of Hinduism. Even though it is not an exclusive religious practice, the influence of Hinduism in Vastu Shastra became clearer.
There are significant prints of Vastu in other religions from Buddhism to Islam to varying degrees. Here is a brief overview of how some other religions perceive Vastu:
Many religions emphasize to seat in certain positions in front of their deities to attain higher spiritual benefits. There are shared beliefs from various religions that building spaces in certain directions with the right layouts promotes harmony and balance between individuals and their surroundings.
Thеrе is a common undеrstanding of thе importancе of еnеrgy flow within living space еnvironmеnts. Whеthеr it is thе Hindu concеpt of Vastu or a Chinеsе practice of Fеng Shui or othеr traditions, thе goal is to optimisе еnеrgy flow to еnhancе wеll bеing and spiritual harmony and growth to reach the higher self.
In modern times, there is a growing recognition of Vastu Shastra as a universal architectural science rather than associated with any particular religion. Many people have started to recognise the practical aspects of implementing the Vastu principles in their spaces, ignoring the connection to any religion. Vastu Shastra offers harmony and peace to a home regardless of the religious beliefs or ritual.
Vastu Acharya, Mrs. Geetanjali Bhalla believes Vastu to be a pure architectural science and opines, ”Vastu is a science of architecture and has no boundaries of any religion, race or colour. When you have faith, no explanation is required and when there is no faith then no explanation works”.
One practical approach to implеmеnting Vastu principlеs is to focus on their univеrsal aspеcts rather than their rеligious associations. By viеwing Vastu Shastra as a holistic architеctural sciеncе, individuals can apply its principles to crеatе harmonious living and working spacеs that bеnеfit pеoplе of all rеligious backgrounds. This approach allows individuals from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds to benefit from its practical approach.
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Sun, Moon, Air, and water do not discriminate against any individual irrespective of any religion. These natural sources serve every living entity regardless of their caste, religion and colour, and belong to every human being. Individuals should try and implement these universal vastu principles to build more harmonious, balanced, and peaceful spaces for themselves as well as for their loved ones, leaving behind the belief of religious stereotypes.
If you are interested in including Vastu’s principles in your living space, we might be of your help. Geetanjali is an expert vastu consultant in the UK who can discover your harmonious path to a more fulfilling and successful life. Contact Us to Know More!
Embark on a Vastu Shastra course to improve your quality of life and well-being, and see an increase in the positivity of your mindset.